Soundtracks (1970)
29 Noiembrie 2002
de Ioan Cora |
Intre timp Malcolm Mooney s-a internat intr-un spital de boli nervoase (nu stiu de ce nu ma mira chestia asta). Povestea suna cam asa: Membrii trupei l-au intalnit pe Damo Suzuki pe strazile Munchen-ului "cantand" ...... le-a placut atat de mult incat i-au propus sa participe la concertul ce-l aveau chiar in acea seara intr-unul din cluburile orasului. In interiorul clubului se aflau cam 200 de oameni.......La final mai ramasesera cam 30....
Iata declaratia lui Holger Czukay despre evenimentele de atunci: "The album SOUNDTRACKS became more an in-between project,because it took CAN much more time in finishing the double album TAGO MAGO than we thought. Of course we could not live by our income from live gigs or record sales and so CAN was lucky in doing several film musics. The title tracks of the pictures were released as soundtracks on the SOUNDTRACK album. 'Don't Turn the Light on, Leave Me Alone' was Damo's first recording with CAN ever. This piece expresses Damo's mood at that time I think, after I found him singing or 'praying' loud in the streets of Munich. Jaki and me were sitting outside in a cafe when Damo came near. I said to Jaki: 'This will be our new singer.' Jaki: 'how can you say that, you don't even know him.' I got up from my seat, went to Damo and asked him if he is free for the evening. We were an experimental rock group and we were going to play a concert the night - sold out. Damo said he had nothing special to do, so why shouldn't he sing. The venue was packed that evening and Damo started murmuring like a meditating monk. All of a sudden he turned into a fighting samurai, the audience was shocked and almost everybody left the hall. About 30 Americans were left and got totally excited about what they heard. Among them was Hollywood actor David Niven who probably thought he was attending to some sort of nightmare happening."
Dupa ce citesti asa ceva singurul lucru care iti mai ramane de facut este sa-i ASCULTI. Iar acest album este perfect pentru initierea in universul CAN. Ne luam la revedere de la Malcolm prin piesele "Soul Desert" si "She brings the rain". Prin aceasta ultima piesa descoperim o alta fateta a vocii lui Mooney...O piesa simpla..pop...ce surprinde prin claritate si sound. As exagera daca as compara aceasta piesa cu un cantec de lebada ?
Si spunem bun venit lui Damo Suzuki. Prin aceasta schimbare, CAN va intra intr-o noua era ce le va definitiva statutul de parinti ai muzicii indie. Iar acest lucru poate fi demonstrat prin audierea unei singure piese "Mother Sky"....14 minute si treizeci de secunde de vis...14 minute si treizeci de secunde de paradis pe Pamant. Jaki Liebezeit (tobe) si Holger Czukay (bass) reusesc sa creeze una dintre cele mai precise sectiuni ritmice ascultate de mine pana acum. Iar vocea lui Damo pare a veni dintr-o lume a groazei...a deznadejdii......Opinia mea e ca orice tobar trebuie sa asculte aceasta piesa..Va spune ca Liebezeit e Dumnezeu pe pamant. Va intelege..... Ma opresc aici....E atat de greu sa vorbesti despre albumele ce te-au cucerit...ce te-au facut sa vezi dincolo de ele....ce te-au facut sa descoperi, poate, ca visul e nebunie si nebunia e vis....
01 Ianuarie 2006
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